Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Little Ones

The little ones in the wedding, or at least who we want to make an attempt to be in the wedding as long as they cooperate :)

The Flower Girls:

Sophie Rettinger

Sophie is Laura's niece. She will turn three on May 10th.
She is the daughter of Laura's sister Emily and her husband
Daniel. She is currently an only child.

Amy Carson Brawner
Amy Carson is Laura's cousin but she treats her as her
niece. She will turn six on December 27th. She is the oldest
daughter of Laura's cousin Ray and his wife Tiffany.
Amy Carson has one sister, Jancin. Amy Carson is
currently in the Kindergarten.

Jancin Brawner

Jancin is also Laura's cousin whom she claims as her
niece. She will turn four February 15th. She is the
youngest daughter of Ray and Tiffany. Her older sister
is Amy Carson. Jancin attends preschool in Mt. Pleasant.

The Ring Bearer

Colton Ward-Wade

Colton is Timothy's son. He will turn one on April 19th.
Colton is currently an only child. Timothy and Laura
are keeping their fingers crossed that he will walk down
the aisle with the girls at the wedding.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

About Us

About Laura
I am currently a Junior at MTSU. I am studying to be a Child Life Specialist. My plan is to graduate a semester early in December of 2009. I work at Special Kids, a daycare for special needs children, and absolutely love it.
About Timothy
Timothy graduated from MTSU in August with a degree in Aerospace Administration. He currently works for Corporate Flight Management in Smyrna.
How We Met
We aren't exactly sure the first time we met. Our first memories of each other are when we were on a Beta Club trip to the Nashville Zoo during my 6th grade year and Timothy's 7th grade. We were very good friends throughout high school but always had a significant other. We ended up going to the same collage and remaining great friends. We tried dating for a short period but things did not work out for us until November of 2007. Since then we have been inseparable and undeniably in love.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Our Engagement

On Saturday October 4, 2008 Timothy made plans for us to go out for our anniversary. He wouldn't tell me where we were going. Finally that evening we got in the truck and he said that he had made reservations at The Melting Pot for us to have dinner. When we arrived and got seated he had a single rose on the table for me. I was a little suspicious throughout dinner wondering if maybe this was the night he would ask. Then he totally threw me off because he started talking about marriage while we ate and I figured if he was going to ask he wouldn't have brought it up. So I was just a little bummed out but still having a great time. After dinner I suggested we walk around downtown for a bit, I later found out that Timothy did not like this idea because he knew what was waiting at home. Finally we headed back to Murfreesboro and I was over the idea of him proposing that night.

When we got to his house I took a little while to gather my stuff out of his truck and he kept waiting for me before he went into his house. When he opened the house door for me he said I had one more surprise for the night. On his coffee table he had Emily, his sister set up while we were gone to eat. It had half a dozen beautiful roses and puzzle pieces laid out. I was still a little clueless at this point. I love to work puzzles and I thought this was a neat puzzle he made. So I got down to look at the puzzle pieces and noticed that one of them had the word marry on it. When I saw that I turned to him and said "what is this" at that point he dropped down to his knees and said "will you marry me babe." I was totally caught off guard and I immediately hugged him and then said "YES." After that he told me to actually put the puzzle together and see what it said. It was a picture of us he had gotten made into a puzzle and it said “I love you, Laura will you marry me."

After things settled down a bit and we made all of our phone calls he told me he had one more surprise. A few months ago we were at Barnes and Noble and I found a book that was titled “What I love about you" It is basically 100 pages of questions about why you love someone. I had joked with him that night that he should get it and fill it out about me. Well when he came to give me my last surprise it was that book and he had completely filled it out about all the reasons he loves me. He definitely out did himself. It was the most perfect engagement and more than I could ever have dreamed of.