Wednesday, October 22, 2008

About Us

About Laura
I am currently a Junior at MTSU. I am studying to be a Child Life Specialist. My plan is to graduate a semester early in December of 2009. I work at Special Kids, a daycare for special needs children, and absolutely love it.
About Timothy
Timothy graduated from MTSU in August with a degree in Aerospace Administration. He currently works for Corporate Flight Management in Smyrna.
How We Met
We aren't exactly sure the first time we met. Our first memories of each other are when we were on a Beta Club trip to the Nashville Zoo during my 6th grade year and Timothy's 7th grade. We were very good friends throughout high school but always had a significant other. We ended up going to the same collage and remaining great friends. We tried dating for a short period but things did not work out for us until November of 2007. Since then we have been inseparable and undeniably in love.